
Terms & Conditions

Chapter 1 general provision

Article 1 (purpose)

The purpose of this terms of use agreement is to prescribe the matters related to the use condition and the procedure of the services provided by the "rearflame" site (, an e-market place operated by rearflame.

Article 2 (notification and revision)

  • 1. This terms of use agreement is notified on the internet site ( where services are offered to members and the people who will use the services.
  • 2. This terms of use agreement prescribes general information on the service use agreement made between rearflame and members. rearflame may change the information of terms of use agreement and notify the changed information to members if necessary.
  • 3. When rearflame wants to change the terms of use agreement, rearflame shall specify and notify the application date of the changed terms of use agreement and the change cause from seven days to a day before the application date as described in the section 1 above.
  • 4. By agreeing to this terms of use agreement, members shall comply with this terms of use agreement and the site use policy notified to the members by rearflame.

Article 3 (service type)

rearflame offers the following services:

  • 1. E-marketplace: this service provides online marketplaces that allow e-commerce including offer, negotiation, contract, payment between members through the internet site ( operated by rearflame.
  • 2. Other information services: these services indicate the internet services such as information service and e-mail service provided for members through the internet site ( except for sales purchase related services.

Article 4 (service characteristics and goal)

  • 1. "rearflame" provided by rearflame offers online marketplaces that allow the trades between foreign buyers and korean sellers of their own accord.
  • 2. The members who use services and the service providers shall take the responsibility for additional service use such as financial services provided related with the transactions between members in the ?rearflame? Site. rearflame shall not assume the responsibility.

Chapter 2 service use agreement

Article 5 (principle of use agreement)

  • 1. A user shall enter the user information into the prescribed form set by rearflame and agree to this terms of use.
  • 2. Only users who are permitted to use the site by the rearflame manager are entitled to obtain membership and use services to prevent damages that may occur during business relations between members.

Article 6 (application)

  • 1. The applicant who wants to use services shall enter the following items in accordance with the membership application format provided by rearflame in online.

    [required items]
    1) id
    2) password 
    3) e-mail address
    4) company name 
    5) person in charge
    6) address
    7) product category interested
    8) phone number
    9) business registry number (only seller required)
    10) select korea trade center (only buyer required)
  • 2. rearflame offers various and useful information as well as the required items specified in section 1 of article 6. rearflame may request additional information to applicants for promoting and announcing services that "rearflame" plans to provide, and the applicants may reject the request.

Article 7 (permission of application)

  • 1. When the applicants fill in the required items specified in section 1 of article 6 and agree to this terms of use agreement to use "rearflame" the rearflame manager shall check the information entered and may permit the request.
  • 2. If rearflame cannot identify whether the information entered by an applicant is true, rearflame may request the material that can prove the information is true to the applicant.
  • 3. The user whose application is permitted is registered as a member of "rearflame " the id to be used by the user shall assume the responsibility legally for making contracts and payments.

Article 8 (rejection and suspension of application)

  • 1. rearflame may reject the application for the following cases

    1) the name entered into the prescribed form is not real name 
    2) the applicant requests service use by using the name or the information of an existing member
    3) the information that shall be entered is false
    4) the application is illegal or unreasonable.
  • 2. rearflame may suspend the permission of application. At the time, rearflame shall notify the cause of the application suspension, available permission time, or additional information or material needed for the permission to the applicant through e-mail or other methods.

Article 9 (termination of use agreement)

1. Termination by members

  • 1) a member may terminate the use agreement by notifying his/her intention to terminate the use agreement to rearflame. The use agreement is terminated when rearflame identifies the intention of the termination.
  • 2) a member shall complete, withdraw, or cancel all ongoing contracts or purchase procedures before the intention of the termination is notified to rearflame. The disadvantages caused by drawing or canceling the ongoing contracts or purchase procedures shall be a burden to the member.
  • 3) a user who terminates the use agreement may apply for being a member in accordance with the member registration procedure specified in the terms of use agreement.

2. Termination by rearflame

  • 1) rearflame may cancel the notified permission of service use without any notice for the following cases:
    a member violates the regulation set by rearflame when the member transacts business with another member
    a member has business relations or attempts to do business by violating this terms of use agreement or the regulation set by "rearflame"
    a member infringes the right of rearflame or members, defames the reputation of them, impairs the credit of them, or violates proper profits of them
    a member disturbs or attempts to disturb "rearflame"
    a member applies business transactions such as negotiation, contract, and order even if the member does not intend to trade in products.
    a member distributes contents against public morals or public order.
    a member defames other member's reputation or disadvantages other members.
    a member sends a large amount of information or spam to disturb the stable operation of services.
    a member distributes computer virus programs that cause malfunction of information communication facilities or provide wrong information.
    a member infringes intellectual property right of rearflame, other members, or the 3rd party.

    - a member illegally uses the personal information such as user id and password of other members.
    - a member posts obscene materials on the bulletin board or links obscene sites. 
    - a member violates other agreements or related laws.
  • 2) rearflame may give an opportunity for the corresponding member to express his/her opinion about the termination cause before or after the termination.
  • 3) the damages caused by the termination of the use agreement shall be a burden to the member whose membership is expired.

Chapter 3 protection and offer of personal information

Article 10 (collection of personal information)

  • 1. rearflame may collect the minimum information required for implementing purchase contracts. The items specified in section 1 of article 6 shall be essentially included, and other information shall be optional.
  • 2. The personal information provided by rearflame shall be used only for rapid and safe transactions, and shall not be used for other purposes. However, if the corresponding member allows using the information, the information may be used.

Article 11 (offer and share of personal information)

  • 1. rearflame may use personal information, except the information displayed on the service screen (user id, name, etc), in other online sites directly operated by rearflame for the purpose of the collection, use, seamless service, and service expansion, which are mentioned when information is collected, and shall not use the information for other purposes. However, if the corresponding member allows using the information, the information may be used.
  • 2. rearflame shall not provide personal information collected when a member is registered to the 3rd party without the permission of the member. However, the following cases are excluded:
    when the personal information required for delivering products (name, address, phone number, etc.) Is provided to the delivery
    when law allows using the information of a member or the 3rd party
    when the personal information is required for seamless transactions between members.
    when the personal information is required for after sales service after transaction ends.
  • 3. Among the personal information provided to rearflame when a membership is requested, the phone number of a seller is offered in the product information screen. The information of a buyer is provided to the counterpart for product q&a and negotiation.

Article 12 (protection of personal information)

  • 1. A member always can view or change his/her information.
  • 2. A member may request the change of wrong information to rearflame or the person in charge of information management. At the time, rearflame may request the change of wrong information to the corresponding member. If the information is determined as wrong information, the information service may stop until the information properly changes.
  • 3. rearflame shall make every effort to protect personal information, and a member shall take proper measures to protect his/her information.

Article 13 (storage of personal information)

  • 1. When the use agreement with a member is terminated, rearflame shall stop providing service of the corresponding personal information. However, personal information shall be stored for the following cases:

    rearflame shall store personal information for the certain time period set by related laws such as commercial law and customer protection law in e-commerce.
    even through the user agreement is expired, rearflame may store the information such as user id, user name, phone number, address, and trade history for a certain time period for further management for a member who has trade history.
    rearflame may store personal information and the information mentioned for trade for a certain time period after the use agreement is expired to prevent the case that a member who has trade history disturbs or restricts this service by intentionally evading the regulation specified in this terms of use agreement.
    rearflame may store the information such as user id, user name, phone number, address, and the information related with termination of the use agreement and membership suspension of qualification for a certain time period after the use agreement is expired to check if there is the cause of rejecting the re-application in the case that rearflame terminates the use agreement or in the case of the member whose membership is suspended.

Article 14 (change and management of personal information)

  • 1. If the personal information stated when the member requests using services changes or the member identifies that wrong information is stated, the member shall correct the corresponding information immediately.
  • 2. User id and business registry number (only for seller) shall not change. If business registry number shall change due to legal matter, the corresponding member shall request the change of the business registry number to the personal information manager by attaching evidence.
  • 3. A member shall be responsible for the damages caused by the member who does not correct his/her information even though the information changes or who corrects the information wrong. rearflame shall not assume the responsibility for the damages.
  • 4. A member is responsible for managing his/her personal information such as user id and password.
  • 5. A member shall not transfer or lend his/her user id and password to the 3rd party.
  • 6. If personal information is thieved or a member identifies that the 3rd party uses his/her personal information, the member shall notify the information leakage to rearflame, and follow the actions taken by rearflame to manage and protect the personal information.

Chapter 4 related law and jurisdiction

Article 15 (related law and jurisdiction)

  • 1. Any dispute which may arise between rearflame and a member in relation to service use and this terms of use agreement shall be governed by the laws of republic of korea. All the law suits related with this dispute shall be exclusively brought in the courts of republic of korea, which has jurisdiction of the code of civil procedure of republic of korea.
  • 2. Any dispute which may arise between members in relation to transactions shall be governed by the law and court set forth in the agreement made during transaction, and rearflame shall not assume the responsibility for the dispute.

Article 16 (indemnification)

  • 1. rearflame shall not take the responsibility for the information and materials acquired by using services by members.
  • 2. rearflame shall not assume the responsibility for the information, materials and reliability and accuracy of the information and materials posted on the bulletin board.